THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

I don’t like asparagus and I don’t like today

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Not often that I start a post, work on it a while and say no, not today. Even less frequent is starting a second post and getting half way there and saying no this isn’t it. This is the third attempt for the day and the struggle feels less. I didn’t have or make the time to shoot early today. The job that pays the bills runneth over again.

I don’t like asparagus and I don’t like today.
Photo by Mike Hartley

I was on a rage about a few things and started one post on emotions, which mine were running high today. I was all over the place with it. One of my rambling manifestos. So I’ll try to break that down someday into a sensible post or two.

My second try was the a start of my thoughts on taking images and not using the tools of the day to make them better. In my case its a few simple issues. The time in post processing vs the time being able to shoot more. There is also this ethical thing I worry about. I have no problem with people creating beautiful pieces of artwork. I enjoy them very much.

But I come from a more photojournalist approach I guess. And then there is the cost of the software. Now that is less relevant than it used to be but it’s still another thing to deal with. For the last few decades I’ve just been using the simple tools that have come with the camera. Crop and exposure adjustments.

It’s not that I’m intimidated by these tools. I used the first few versions of Photoshop early in its history. I can learn it again or other software. In some ways I know it would improve my images but at what cost in time of getting more images. Anyway that is a discussion for another day or night.

So today is asparagus day. My apologies to you who like that. Maybe it was a better day for you. Just hasn’t been my day so far.

Random Thoughts of the Day

Sometimes I forget there are a lot of bad people on this earth.

I’m much happier when I remember I’m in charge of most of my happiness.

It’s a pleasure to give a reference in someone you believe in.

I’m going to make better use of Tuesday than I have of this Monday.

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

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