THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

Thinking Thursday

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I was thinking about the coming changes at the job that pays the bills. I used to enjoy trying to predict what changes were on the horizon but a while back I realized that was time poorly spent. Plus all my sources of information retired. So I will just wait and see what comes about. Who knows, maybe they will surprise me with a buyout but they haven’t done those in recent years, like in the past.

I was thinking about my coming grandchild. The joy my son and daughter-in-law have now and will experience in the coming years. The smile on my wife’s face when she holds him for the first time will be something to capture. One of the best things that ever happened to me is that I’m close enough to both of my children to be part of their children’s lives also.

I tawt I taw a Puddy tat. I did I did. Photo by Mike Hartley

I was thinking about how much I miss basketball during the next few months. I’ll have to soak in every minute of the game tonight because it might be the last one for a while. Maybe I should get outside and see if my ball still fits through the hoop.

I was thinking about the role of a father. Being mine left my life very early one of the things that did for me is ingrain how important it is to always be there for my children. Not that my Mom wasn’t Superwoman for raising my sister and me alone, it’s just that children need a parental partnership to have the best chance in life. This all got me thinking about what advice I should share that I haven’t by example already with my Son. I’ll get to work on that later tonight because Father’s day is coming up and it might be good timing to pass on a few tips for him to read at his pleasure.

I was thinking that I should shoot more each day. I’ve gotten better this week picking up the cameras but I need a sustained effort like I’m doing with the blog. The effort I’ve put in keeping this daily posting going is tough some days. But it feels really rewarding and when I pass that year mark, it will finally accomplish the commitment I made when I started blogging.

I’m thinking I need to take a mental health day soon. And that thought leads to what do I think I want to do with that time. Ah, what a great thing to spend time thinking about.

I think I’m out of time for this and have to run.

Random Thoughts of the Day

  • Another school year is just about in the books. That pun was not intended. I was going to say much respect to the two teachers in the family who go to great lengths with the children they teach to make them successful.
  • I’m so tired all the time now.
  • I think BG&E was sending shots across my bow when the power went out last night and again today for short stretches. And neither time had storms going through?
  • I’m not sure which is taken more for granted, having fresh water or electrical power.
  • Does anyone else but me have the feeling we are living in the good old days?

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

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