THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

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The more I read other blogs the more intimidated I get in my own writing and photography sometimes. Yeah I get past it and I don’t let it affect me going forward anywhere like I once did, where it stopped me before even starting. It’s really amazing the talent of people’s words and images. I look at them as learning and inspiration now. But sometimes that self-doubt creeps back in and all of a sudden writing or finding a photo becomes more difficult.

I’d like to take a submarine to that tax plan.
Photo by Mike Hartley

Maybe that is the way it should be. Always trying to set the bar higher. But if doing that means cutting productivity or impeding creative thoughts then in my mind it’s better to practice creating original content. Yes I look back sometimes and said boy that was a pretty weak post and I question the logic of trying to do something each day against a weak post. As an amateur at everything I’m doing here I feel its better to keep plugging away as often as possible in the time I have being I’m no spring chicken.

So my apologies if its take breaking a lot of stone, to find a diamond.

Just experimenting with my new printer today, a Cannon Pro 100 and I’m in love so far. But then again I’ve never had a printer that I haven’t eventually had a hate relationship with also. Lets hope we break the pattern. I can already tell that I’m going to put it through it paces because I’m real impressed with the quality so far. It’s a little big for my small office but I wanted a larger format for some display things. Prints make me so happy for some reason.

Random Thoughts of the Day

My kids always think I get a big tree. I just don’t see it till I’m taking it out after the holidays.

Wow, only 5 work days left this year for this kid.

I can’t wait to smell the food cooking here for the holidays.

Made the bacon wrapped pineapple and oh yeah. Love fresh pineapple and I can’t put my feelings for bacon into words.

I know healthy food, it’s the one that I don’t taste.

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

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