THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

Slack and Passed again

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I noticed our company chat service SLACK went down today. I wonder how many people just sat wondering what to do. This tool has quickly taken over a lot of office communications, both internal and external. I would have liked to been a fly on the wall in the office today to see how people handled it. Did they just take to email, did they switch over to Skype or something else? Did they pick up the phone or get out of their chair and go talk to someone? Did they remember how to talk? Did they just start sending text or Twitter messages?

Its interesting when adopted technology stops working and people have to revert to old systems. So just to give all you digital music fans a glimpse of what you could return to, I provide the below example.

Photo by Mike Hartley

I haven’t written much about cancer but sometimes I feel compelled to interject here with some observations. I was speaking to a friend today about another individual suffering from it and struggling mentally in dealing with it. He seemed to be ignorant of the presence it can take in your mind.

Me I’m good. And by good the last test results I opened this evening were good. I’ve had 2 bouts of cancer and hoping not to try for a third time. It’s funny how this shakes you to your core. The first round had been just a surgery for a substantial percentage of my right kidney. And after that for 8 years I got back to living without that fear. Test to check were once a year and then that tailed which gives you a sense that you’ve been lucky, one of the fortunate ones that survive, one of the people who doctors catching a very malignant tumor early seem to have cured.

And then the news years later indicating another cancer. Another surgery and radiation. I’m a few years removed from that but test every 3 months and then 6 months apart, it never leaves you with a sense of calm again. In some ways I hope I don’t relax like I did after the first round. I want to appreciate each day. Each little moment. Each conversation and hug/kiss. Each sunrise and sunset. To stand out in the rain. To embrace life. Am I successful every day? Nope, but I try to not sweat the small stuff. Some might say I’m not that successful at all. But they don’t look inside me and see the appreciation for the many things I’m blessed with each day.

Like the ability to just ramble on here or share a photo or two. Well I guess I have gone on about nothing again for too long. Lets see if I can come up with something interesting for Thursday.

Random Thoughts of the Day

I saw the most beautiful display of lightning bugs at 9:30pm in my back yard. It was like the woods had sparkling Christmas lights on.

The sounds of frogs croaking can put me to sleep.

With the ruling today on Unions, I wonder how long it will continue to swing against the working stiff before people unite again. At the rate we are moving it might not be all that long. Not that I’m a huge fan of unions. But I’m certainly no fan of greedy management types either. I despise them to tell the truth.

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

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