THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

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Are you superstitious? So ask the Daily Writing prompt.

No, I don’t think so. No. Maybe when I was younger. Nah never. Maybe once, no that was the night we drank too much. Well how bout the time, nope science explained that one.

I never believed in Friday the 13th because there is no such thing as a bad Friday.

I’ve had umbrellas open in the house. The only thing that happened was the floor got wet.

Well, I have to admit, the entire time I played baseball I never stepped on chaulk line going on or off the field.

I’ve found many pennies and they made me a penny richer.

I had a black cat once. It crossed my path so many times people now refuse to walk beside me.

I’ve walked under ladders. I’ve stepped on many cracks.

Holly crap, no wonder I’m so screwed up.

That’s why I only write with this pen. Ops, that’s only a 3 leaf clover. No wonder I can’t write.

Luck in Writing. Photo by Mike Hartley