THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

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Early learning

Describe something you learned in high school. – Asks the Daily Writing prompt today.

This is going to take me back. Interesting question with our 50th HS reunion next year.

I learned everything and nothing.

Photo by Mike Hartley

High School was a chaotic time. Further complicated, by my use of drugs and booze. I had a lot of great times but many wasted opportunities. No pun intended.

Let’s see, I learned to type (on a typewriter) which I thought would be a useless skill needed in my future but it turned out to come in very handy in my professional career. Thank you, Ms Boone.

I learned I liked the arts and photography. Thank you, Mr Perrine.

I learned that at some point I had to serious up. Thank you Mr Streagle.

I learned I liked fast cars and the opposite sex, not in that order.

I learned I would love sports for the rest of my life.

I learned I could do better but was lazy at learning or afraid to compete, and I was too busy having a good time.