THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

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Refuel and Triumph

Refueled and ready to obtain victory today. I’m off and ready to go after a slow start to the morning. Probably the effects of being with friends, for the Lakers game, and some late-night work.

Hopefully, there’s time to fit in a bit more photography today. A few early afternoon errands and then grilling out later today.

It’s all in the tank. Photo by Mike Hartley

I’m excited about the coming week. I’ve set some hard goals and will work hard each day to complete them. The first task is to complete a pastel piece I started a few weeks ago. I’m also going to finish 1 charcoal piece.

I have a few hundred images to upload to the photo site today. I hope to go through the pack of 50 sheets of paper I just loaded into the printer and maybe more before tonight. So off I go to the hobbies I love.

Random Thoughts of the Day

  • Reaching out is risky. But it’s always worth it. For nothing else than your peace of mind.
  • The right time is now. Regardless
  • An opinion is just that. Now a strong feeling is something to think about.
  • A very cool day in late April is not to my liking.