THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

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Caught the Waves

The Daily Writing prompt asks – How has technology changed your job?

I was blessed working in an age of sweeping and constant technological change and I caught many waves and didn’t wipe out in the journey.

Technology waves are upon us. Photo by Mike Hartley

I’ve thought about writing a book answering this question with about 5 decades in the Newspaper Publishing business. And I still might. This industry was nothing but a technology change for the entire time.

It provided me with incredible opportunities and I believe I made the best of most of them.

Just off the top of my head:

  • Probably the biggest change was the internet and higher-speed connections became available it allowed me to manage things remotely.
  • I believe it has changed the way communications happen. Not always for the better but for the most part it’s great if you use it correctly.
  • Early in my career automation changed a lot of jobs in the production areas like the pressroom, mailroom paper rooms, and engraving areas. And then later in composing rooms and front-end systems.
  • Access to information and other experts/opinions/solutions where at one time you struggled till you hit upon the right thing. I always liked it when the vendor would come back and say “You did what, can you show our engineers?”
  • Technology allowed insights and analytics that are so helpful in tuning, avoiding disasters, and scaling systems that before were guesstimate and experienced judgments.
  • One downside is that it made me accessible 24/7/365. And boy was that abused.