THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley


Fractured laws

Have you ever unintentionally broken the law? Asks the daily writing prompt.

As Eddie Murphy said in Beverly Hills Cop. “I may have fractured a law or two as a kid”

Photo by Mike Hartley

I guess I never thought about the jaywalking I was doing at night in DC when I would cross the streets at night because there wasn’t traffic. It wasn’t like the daytime where you had to use crosswalks and it was still dangerous.

We didn’t know pulling the cars up and using there lights to play night basketball wasn’t legal.

That makes all the other times intentional. Because there is a phase that goes “ignorance of the law is no excuse. “

As Sergeant Shultz used to say “I know nothing, nothing”