THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley


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What are your favorite sports to watch and play? Asks the Bloganuary writing prompt today.

I played a lot of baseball when I was really young. In my teens though I migrated to basketball and that has been my favorite for decades and is for both watching and playing. A hoop in my driveway, the ball in the closet by the front door ready for a nice day. March Madness is like hoop heaven. The University of Maryland are the team I support.

Basketball with its constant motion, running in so many directions, jumping constantly, diving on the floor and the physical aspects. Mentally it also takes a special discipline. Soccer is the only other sport that has the motion and that doesn’t have enough scoring for me.

Major League baseball made some significant rule changes that really sped up the game which it needed and made viewing much more enjoyable. I find myself watching less and less football. I used to enjoy some of the sports talk shows but no more. Too much emphasis on the gambling/point spreads/over under and whatever else they can think of to bet on.

I enjoy watching a lot of different sports BUT, gambling is on its way to ruining sports. Not that the NCAA didn’t get a jump on the pros by screwing up college athletics first. As usual greed and power will kill a good thing.

I think I’ll check out some local little leagues or local courts where the players play for the love of the game.

Photo by Mike Hartley

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

One thought on “Hoops

  1. I’ve waiting for someone to say basketball

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