THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

Starting to feel

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Starting to feel I’ve been stuck in a rut as of late

I haven’t been picking up the cameras much, I haven’t been in my workshop except to organize or fix something, and I don’t feel like I’m laughing as much. My writing isn’t coming easy. And the focus of it some days is frustration. Not good.

I know I have to snap out of it, but I’m not feeling that path yet. I’ve been so scatterbrained and doing too many piddly things and accomplishing nothing. So I’ll take one step at a time today. Maybe a photo project to get me started on that Sandy Walk again.

A Sandy Walk. Photo by Mike Hartley

Starting to feel the change of seasons more significantly

I don’t know if it’s an age thing where you sometimes wonder how many more season changes will you get to behold. Or the recognition of how fast each season comes around. But each time I blink it seems we are going into a new season. I want each one to be special. Yeah, even winter which is my least favorite.

I need to find a way to make each one more significant. To accomplish something significant. To experience something significant particular to that season.

Starting to feel the cold

I don’t know what it is but my body is not into the cold. So I’m taking to heart my friend’s advice which is “just dress for it” and of course he is right. So I have to start getting comfortable with putting on layers. I’ve developed a liking for scarves. My neck and shoulders always are the first to get tight and ache with the cold.

I’m going to try to adapt, spend some more time outside, and find something about the season to cherish. Today standing outside it’s the crispness in the air that feels special.

Starting to feel expendable

At various times in my career, I’ve experienced layoffs, buyouts, RIFs, company being sold in pieces. And each time I’ve avoided a layoff, buyout, or RIF (reduction in force). At the time the company I was working at was divided up and sold I was one of I think 70 of 400 lucky enough to get hired by the new company. So I’ve really never had any true lapse in employment in my life.

I’ve never felt expendable before. But now I’m starting to feel expendable. This might be the week I find out. Even though I’m still the top dog in the group, I’m also the old dog.

Starting to feel like the holidays

It’s finally starting to feel like the holidays to me. I started a few weeks ago decorating and putting the artificial tree up but till yesterday we didn’t have the live tree in the family room. Later in the day after letting it fall out a bit the smell was wonderful. And that little sense made it feel like the Christmas season was here for me.

And now today the lights are on and the box of ornaments is sitting beside it waiting to be hung. Yep, it’s that time again.

We donated another artificial tree earlier this month. We always have two trees and I put to use my Mom’s old artificial tree I had in the attic. It’s a nice tree but with no smell. And artificial trees are always perfect whereas the flaws in a real one give it character along with the smell and needles you have to vacuum up.

Random Thoughts of the Day

  • I noticed I missed sharing random thoughts yesterday so I feel inclined to double up today.
  • If I glue the broken wing back on an angle that hovers over the manger scene is that my good deed for the day?
  • The wind is nature’s weed wacker. And it’s whacking away today. The trouble is they don’t clean the branches from my roof.
  • I really hope people get into the true spirit of the holidays. But if the roads are any indication I’d say we have a way to go.
  • There are few greater joys than watching children unwrap a gift and their reactions to them.
  • I have enough nerve pain internally, I don’t need people to add to them externally.
  • The first sip of a freshly opened Coke is something that always puts a smile on my face. But I do realize I have to back off on how many I drink a day.
  • Too bad we can’t put up different light displays throughout the year. They certainly cheer me up at the end of it.
  • I know one person who really isn’t looking forward to this Monday. Actually, Tuesday could be another bad day for him also. I love Karma.

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

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