THREW Mikes EyEz

Original Writings, Images, Video and Artworks of Mike Hartley

Contrasting mornings

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Yesterday was an early start for a Friday because of a doctors visit and what a mess I encountered going south on Rt 29 that morning. Blowing snow and lots of traffic. Today looks like the strong winds of yesterday have left, the trees are still and the sun is rising. Yesterday I started out in extreme pain. This morning has been wonderful and pain-free for the most part. Yesterday I spent only a few hours with my better half. Today we get to spend the day together.

A quick snowstorm this morning going down Route 29 south towards Rt 108. Photo by Mike Hartley

A quick snowstorm this morning going down Route 29 south towards Rt 108.
Photo by Mike Hartley

Yesterday I didn’t get out to shoot but a few frames and most of it is in the trash can. Today we will get out and I’ll shoot like a madman and usually even I get lucky once in a while with all those frames. Speaking of which, I had better charge the batteries again.

Well being this post started off with that useless season of shivering and slush, I thought I’d end it with looking forward to being on a boat this summer on this very lake with my better half. Think I’ll just stick with a rowboat instead of the canoe. So while today won’t be a boating and sunning day, it is certainly a hell of a lot better than yesterday morning so far. And I hope to shoot enough to get a few days worth of posting material in case the job that pays the bills takes over life again.

Longing for 85 degrees on the water and sunshine. Photo by Mike Hartley

Longing for 85 degrees on the water and sunshine.
Photo by Mike Hartley

Random Thoughts for Friday February 5th 2016

  • I look at pictures of my wife at my desk that have to be 30 years old and it feels like yesterday.
  • I was going to give up drinking Cokes. But I was looking up their slogans and in 1976 they said “Coke Adds Life”. So if they are wrong I’ll have my family sue them. Because this kid has drunk enough of them.
  • You may have to physically let go of things that are very important to you. But you never have to let go of the memories.
  • I’ve learned more about myself doing this blog. I’ve also learned I could probably use an editor.
  • When I see pictures of myself as a youth up to the age of 9, I have trouble remembering those times.

Author: Mike Hartley

With a lifetime and a half in the Newspaper industry I'm preparing for my retirement career as an Artist, Writer, Photographer and Video content provider. I'm a proud father of two wonderful children and I'm still married to the first girl I fell in love with and probably only one that would have me.

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